Sewing my own cool but cozy capsule wardrobe

The time has come for me to move from occasional floordrobe to rainbow wardrobe. I’m planning a capsule wardrobe to keep me cozy in the cooler months and I can’t wait!

Over the next few blog posts I’ll invite you to join me for the ride starting with defining my aims (I’m a researcher after all!), choosing the colour palette, picking the fabric and patterns, and making the clothes.

Why do I want a capsule wardrobe?

I’d like to have a cohesive mix-and-match wardrobe that has my back for any occasion.

Learning to sew and following online challenges like #sewyourselfsustainable by @newcrafthouse have made me more mindful of the clothes I add to my wardrobe.  If I want a new jumper, it’s no longer a question of nipping to the shops or opening my laptop. A lot of love and energy (and sometimes sweat and tears…) goes into everything I sew and I want to make the most of every item.

I think capsule wardrobes are a great way to do that because every piece has its place and works with lots of other items. Since I’ll be tackling different types of garment, this should be a good way to boost my sewing skills too.

This is also my mindset when I plan In a Haystack’s digital packs. Over the course of your subscription you’ll get indie patterns for a range of garments that go well together and involve different sewing techniques. You’ll also have complete control over the fabric you buy so if you want your make to fit in with the rest of your wardrobe, it can!

What do I want from my clothes?

I’m taking the LLDD approach, which I’m casually mentioning as if it’s a thing when it’s actually something I’ve just invented. But hear me out!

LLDD stands for Lounge, Lunch, Desk and Dance. It summarises the ways I spend my time and therefore the types of occasions I’ll use my capsule wardrobe for.

What colours will I use?

Choosing which colours to use was both the most magnificent and tricky part of the process… aside from that fly zip I’ll be tackling later, I expect!

I based the decision on:

  1. Clothes that work for the LLDD occasions (does it sounds like a thing yet?) mentioned above
  2. The wise words of Claire Bannister, a colour analysis consultant, who revealed that the shades that suit me best are deep, warm, earthy and autumnal
  3. Beautiful fabric I found online
  4. Clothes I already have in my wardrobe that I’d like to incorporate into this capsule collection
  5. And last but not least… colours I like! (“Kate you always choose the sludgy greens!” said all my friends ever)

*Drumroll please* Aaand here they are! My cool but cozy capsule wardrobe colour palette:

What do you think? Have you ever considered trying a capsule wardrobe?

Next time, I’ll be talking about the fabric and patterns I’ve chosen. There will be plenty of fabric stroking and gazing.

You can find part two of this series here.