In a Haystack on Love to Sew plus a discount
Did you listen to Caroline and Helen discuss In a Haystack on the amazing Love to Sew podcast?
I’ve been listening to the podcast since way before I set up In a Haystack so it was the most amazing feeling to listen to them chat about this little business. My brother was especially pleased because Caroline and Helen laughed at his ‘crop top’ pun.
I was so excited to sponsor episode 152, in particular, because it was all about linen. I absolutely love linen. Not only is it a great fabric to sew and wear, but it also has an amazing history and sustainability credentials. As some of you might know, I’m also trying to grow my own linen from my little back yard in London.
If you’d like to give the haystack packs a go, now’s your chance, thanks to Love to Sew. You can get 20% off your first pack or gift subscription with code LOVETOSEW.

I definitely recommend listening to the Love to Sew podcast. It’s always uplifting, soothing and fun.