It’s time for the second annual stitchers’ postcard swap and you’re invited!

It’s a fun way to meet other people who sew, and get a surprise postcard from who knows where through our letter boxes.

How does it work?

To join, sign up by the end of February. Then you’ll be matched with someone else, You’ll send them a postcard and get one back from a mystery person. I’m excited and hope you are too!

What else?

To help us keep track, it would be great if you could mark your postcard as sent/received.

Your address will only be revealed to the person you’re matched with.

To meet other people who sew, feel free to share the postcard you receive on social media on 14 March. I think it’ll be fun to see where they all end up!

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch. And do spread the word – the more the merrier!